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My name is Austin Chason and for the last three years I’ve used yoga to help my clients get out of pain, curtail addictions, makes some sweet gym gainz, run better, and live easier lives. My clients all learn that your condition doesn’t define you.…

Dr. Puglisi has a sincere passion for helping others achieve optimal health and wellbeing. The erosion of health is impacting people all over the world with rising rates in obesity, chronic diseases, depression, stress and emotional mismanagement.…

My professional chiropractic practice is a synthesis of what I have learned the past 31 years as a chiropractor and many years as a researcher. I have seen over 350,000 office visits & contributed to hundreds of experiential seminars &…

It’s my preschool graduation. There I am, hidden under a glossy, royal blue cap and gown. Crowded by antsy four-year-olds. The room is silenced, the program is about to begin: “I believe I can fly. I believe I can touch the sky. I think about…

Dr. Bell graduated from Michigan State University in 1993 and soon after started working in product design and engineering for the Automotive industry. In 1998, he left home to pursue writing and music in Los Angeles. While in Los Angeles, he…