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Dr. Rollman is a Washington, DC metro area native, and it was there where he developed his love for competitive sports and the outdoors. He participated in numerous individual and team sports throughout his elementary, middle school, high school and…

Dr. Lemuel uses chiropractic care to improve the health and wellness in all areas of patient’s lives, whether they are having problems with back pain or neck pain, or just want to start feeling better when they wake up in the morning. Dr.…

Dr. Chris knew he wanted to help people for a living and found that Chiropractic would be that vessel while studying biology in High School.  He loved Anatomy and Physiology and felt a passion for sharing his love of the sciences to his patients. He…

Chiropractic and the healing process light me right up. I am so passionate about enhancing peoples lives by giving them the ability to return to what they wish to do without pain and dysfunction. I believe that people are doing the best that they…

I’m all about serving others and adding value to others. I’m a nutrition and healthy junkie and the power of belief. I mold my life after the impression of increase and always leaving self, others and environment better than what I found it.