My name is Austin Chason and for the last three years I’ve used yoga to help my clients get out of pain, curtail addictions, makes some sweet gym gainz, run better, and live easier lives. My clients all learn that your condition doesn’t define you.…
When he was only nineteen years of age, working as a dental clinician, Dr. Anthony Ross was treated for a sinus infection with a medication that he was unawaringly allergic to. This resulted in a serious reaction that progressed to anaphylactic…
Licensed AcupuncturistCertified Myofascial Trigger Point TherapistM.S., L.Ac, Dipl. O.M. (NCCAOM)®, CMTPT/DN My acupuncture practice specializes in pain (acute, chronic, and sports injuries) and stress related disorders. I primarily use acupuncture…
Joan Eurich graduated from CSU with a Bachelors of Science Degree in Biology. She then acquired her certification from Healing Arts Institute for massage. Joan incorporates these massage techniques with her in depth knowledge of the body to…