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All my works, whether in spiritual guidance or in my mystical science fiction stories, involve listening and following the Path with Heart. Listening to the divine rhythms weaving throughout the web of the multiverse. Then following the magic…

Is a free Spirit, Star child born in the city of Pereira in the beautiful country of Colombia. My mission at this time is to help others to re-connect to the Creative Source, thus living a more fulfilled and happy life. I am a Spiritual Healer…

I am a weaver of right and left, spirit and body, masculine and feminine. I am a creater of sacred space for myself and others, a gatekeeper into the heart of the universe, who can hold space for you to discover your own deep self and integrate that…

“We teach what we need to learn and we write what we need to know.” – Gloria Steinem Just weeks from college graduation, I sat in my mentor’s office with my head in my hands. The chronic fatigue, depression, and borderline anorexia that…

Dr. Lynne is a highly skilled intuitive that delivers specialized spiritual counseling over the phone, online and in person sessions. She is known for loving kindness in her time with clients. All sessions are private and confidential.