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Doctor of Science in Holistic Nutrition

As a therapist, it can be tempting to focus on mental health alone. But the truth is, mental health is affected by many factors, including genetics, life experiences, mindset, and lifestyle issues like sleep, nutrition, exercise, and community. I…

Barbara Lewin, RDN, CSSD, LDN is an internationally recognized sport nutritionist and integrative (holistic) nutritionist. Barbara went to the University of South Florida and Florida International University, she completed a 900 hour internship and…

Registered Dietitian/Holistic Health Coach

Lauren Sepe is a clinical nutritionist. She received a Master of Science from the University of Bridgeport (UB) in Connecticut and was inducted into the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society. The UB Nutrition program is a functional medicine-based approach to…

Holistic Women's Health & Wellness Coach

DORIS EGGENS Certified Nutrition and Weight Loss Coach​ Growing up in Austria has given me the foundation of a very healthy and happy lifestyle. I continued on this path when I moved to the United States in the 1980’s and have since passed this kind…