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Mark Frighetti Qigong Practitioner/Teacher, started a path of qigong in 1998. He studied under Master Augustine Fong. Mark met Grandmaster Mingtang Xu, the Zhong Yuan Qigong lineage holder in 2002, and started a journey following his teachings…

Transformational Coach and Integrative Health Practitioner

I AM…STACY devoted aunt educator wordsmith mathematician amiable introvert self-employed entrepreneur avid reader, broth maker, mystery malady obtainer… and committed to building up the body for a lifetime! Stacy is certified in Functional…

A Life in Need of Balance Like many Americans, I was working long hours in a very demanding job. Unfortunately, I was also… failing to recognize and manage my stress eating lots of junk food sedentary sleeping about five fitful hours a night…

Lois has been in the Health and Wellness Field for 32 years. Lois has her degree in Sports Medicine Technology and is certified by The Nutritional Therapy Association. Through a Functional Evaluation, she is able to listen to the innate intelligence…

I share your journey. You speak your truth. You step confidently into change. Think of me standing beside you when you take that risk to try something new or say something scary, like the truth of your heart. Think of me as your well-being partner…