Stacy Claxton

Transformational Coach and Integrative Health Practitioner

I AM…STACY devoted aunt educator wordsmith mathematician amiable introvert self-employed entrepreneur avid reader, broth maker, mystery malady obtainer… and committed to building up the body for a lifetime! Stacy is certified in Functional Diagnostic Nutrition®, applying the latest laboratory testing to uncover hidden stressors in the body and identify healing opportunities. She is also a certified Ayurvedic Health Practitioner and 500-hour Ayuryoga® Instructor, equipped to conduct appropriate, individualized consultations and yoga instruction with private clients. She has additional training in Ayurvedic postpartum care, which utilizes special foods, certain meal preparations, herbal remedies, massage, and other protocols to gently nourish mother and baby in the critical six-week window following childbirth. She believes strongly in the transformative power of diet and lifestyle and desires to inspire wise stewardship in the realm of holistic health. Prior to her formal health training, Stacy graduated summa cum laude from Bryn Mawr College with one Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics and another in Spanish and four years of varsity swimming. She then launched into a six-year stint in multipurpose electronic publishing, which—she’s prone to answer those puzzling over the relevance to her undergraduate degrees—is simply a mathematical approach to language. For fun, she biked more than 25 miles to and from work every day, rain or shine, and coached Masters swimming. Until one day more than six years ago when she felt called to embark on a Sabbath year. So she packed up and moved on, heading West in an old, unreliable Ford for immersive training in the world’s oldest, unfathomably reliable healing system. And she hasn’t looked back.