Yvonne Renaldo Woodson


Yvonne Woodson, RN, AP, Dipl.OM (NCCAOM) specializes in Acupuncture in Columbus, OH and is licensed in the State of Ohio and Florida as a registered nurse specializing in women’s health. She offers a refreshingly holistic approach to health and healing that comes from over 40 years of experience in the healthcare profession.

You will be hard-pressed to find anyone who is trained in as many disciplines of acupuncture in the Columbus, Ohio area. Yvonne is trained in the classic art of Five Element acupuncture, Non-Invasive Toyohari acupuncture, Trauma acupuncture, Orthopedic acupuncture, and the latest approach to cosmetic acupuncture known as the Mei Zen™ Cosmetic Acupuncture System.