William (Bill) Fauth

Health Coach

PSYCH-K is an amazing personal transformational tool. I have benefited personally and healed life long childhood traumas. After 20 years of modern psychoanalysis, years of talk therapy, hundreds of self-help books and years of trying to move up the emotional scale and engage the Law of Attraction at a higher vibrational frequency, all with limited success, as you are now, I found PSYCH-K. I was extremely skeptical, yet prayerfully hopeful that it could help. After much research and many YouTube videos, I hired a PSYCH-K Facilitator. I was amazed. In a one hour session we were able to transform the terror of me being beaten by my father as a child into a slap stick comedy. All my negative, hopeless, helpless feelings of terror were gone. PSYCH-K didn’t change what happened to me. It changed the meaning making I attached to what happened to me. After that session I found my self relating to men and authority figures differently. I had more confidence and felt like an equal. I still had work to do on my sense of worthiness and self-esteem. After all how could I feel good about myself after being beaten by the person who is supposed to love me? PSYCH-K has helped immensely! With PSYCH-K I have enhanced my self-esteem and come to believe that I am worthy of the best that love and life have to offer. You can too. I can speak from first hand experience, that PSYCH-K transforms the meaning making and beliefs we hold at the level where they live, which is in the subconscious. Finally a tool that works safely, easily and simply at the place where our issues reside. My expertise as a PSYCH-K Facilitator is perpetually advancing. My Facilitation skills are at the Expert Level. I have attended 10 PSYCH-K Facilitator Training Workshops. I have attended and trained in 3 Basic Workshops and Sponsored 3 on Long Island. Here I learned, practiced and mastered two of the most powerful and effective transformation protocols. I have attended and enhanced my facilitation skills in 3 Advanced Workshops. In these workshops I learned, practiced and mastered 8 more powerful transformation protocols. I attended, and avidly participated to sharpen my effectiveness as a facilitator, in the Pro Workshop. When it was upgraded to the Master Facilitator Workshop, I also enthusiastically attended that wonderful workshop too, where I learned, practiced and mastered how to work remotely from anywhere in the world via the internet or telephone and in-person. I attended and received additional advanced, specialized training in how PSYCH-K can affect our health and improve, enhance our Health and Well-being. Our Health and Well-being Workshop teaches how to determine if a condition or situation has a message for you. And then transform any beliefs that empower our condition or situation. Our inner being changes when we upgrade our limiting beliefs; We vibrate differently and at a higher frequency, And by the Law of Attraction, attract differently. Our health, well-being and spirituality can be improved. In this workshop I learned 5 more powerful and effective transformation protocols specifically designed to enhance health, well-being and spirituality. PSYCH-K has been so helpful to me, that, now I feel inspired and compelled to pay-it-forward.