Valerie Brodar

Reiki Master Teacher

Thank you for visiting! Before I tell you a bit about me I wish to express my deepest gratitude to Curt and Olivia because without these two marvelous people I’d never be on this healing path. Thank you to Olivia Lundberg, Reiki Master Teacher, for her expansive teachings and boundless caring. A special thank you to Curt, my life partner, whose compassion and support as well as a healthy dose of scientific skepticism has kept me reaching for the stars and grounded here on earth. My holistic healing practice includes: Reiki sessions for people and our feathered, furry, and scaly friends, Energy Clearings for your home and workplace, and Reiki Classes. I’ve been a Reiki practitioner for over seven years and a registered Reiki Master Teacher through the International Association of Reiki Professionals. I’ve worked with people of all ages, genders, ethnicities, spiritual beliefs, economic backgrounds and professions and I look forward to working with you, whoever your wonderful self may be!