Terry Treece

Five-Element Acupuncturist

I am Terry Treece a nationally certified Diplomate in Acupuncture (NCCAOM) and licensed by the State of Colorado. I am also a member of the Acupuncture Association of Colorado. I want to be able to do for others what Emily did for me. This medicine offers me that chance and the opportunity to continue learning and growing for life. I discovered Five-Element Acupuncture 18 years ago when a friend recommended I check it out for depression. Immediately I felt that I had stumbled on to something special. I felt heard and really seen by her in a rare special way. Emily my Acupuncturist helped me see myself through her eyes and to own the good and the difficult. After 8-10 weeks of working with Emily I awoke one day and realized the subtle changes in me and my outlook on the world. The world was a better place. When I retired from teaching and was looking for a new direction Five-Element Acupuncture seemed like a natural choice.