Teri Lynn

MInd-Body Nutrition Coach

I am the founder of LiveTru Health Strategy Coaching! I mentor those interested in improving their nutrition, fitness, body composition, relationship with food and/or personal growth. I’ve been in the health and fitness field for about 15 years and have seen tremendous improvements in my own life using the same resources and applications I now share with others. Good health isn’t a 1-size-fits-all approach, there are many factors at play, including mind-body connections. I am a certified “Eating Psychology Coach” finishing coursework with the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, the world’s leading school in Nutritional Psychology. In IPE’s internationally acclaimed program, I learned the powerful cutting edge tools and protocols that enable me to work with weight issues, body image challenges, overeating, binge eating and a variety of nutrition related health concerns such as digestion, fatigue, mood, immunity and others. My work combines the powerful new fields of Dynamic Eating Psychology and Mind-Body nutrition. The skills I use are a combination of practical coaching techniques, results-oriented psychology, clinical holistic nutrition, body-centered practices, mind-body science and a positive compassionate approach to challenges with health and food. In my professional practice I combine many of the best strategies from nutrition science and eating psychology. By eliminating the “shoulds and shouldn’ts”, I focus on what’s right for YOUR body and lifestyle. My style is meeting my clients where they are and proceeding with a good-better-best mentality. Through strategies that nourish together we explore eating and health issues as a beautiful doorway meant to teach instead of seeing challenges as the enemy. I am especially adept at goal setting and through client interaction I help identify a client’s specific needs and wants and then together we formulate a plan. We set short and long term goals and tweak the path along the way. A personalized dietary plan, lifestyle improvements, fitness routine and mind-body coaching in the form of talk sessions and/or homework can be implemented, if applicable. I understand the struggles some face because I have contended with my own health concerns and I desire to share solutions with others. Growing up with depression, generalized anxiety and body image concerns were opportunities for growth and internal insights. Later, becoming ill with a failing immune system was a huge set back. Yet, I was determined to proceed without the use of or dependence on pharmaceuticals and this has driven me to uncover the body’s innate ability to heal with the right tools, sometimes simply getting out of the way to allow the body to use its own wisdom. My life experiences amidst a drive and determination to not give up in a quest for true healing has ironically been the best teacher. Remaining a student yet poised to be a teacher to those that are ready to gift me with sharing their journey, I offer myself in humble service to pay it forward. I can be reached by Facebook, this website or email.