Ted Mattingly

Ling-Qi Healer

I was born in Ancon, Panama Republic on December 14, 1962. Throughout my life I have always had an interest in Metaphysics, the natural and physical sciences, philosophy and psychology. I started my path to health and well being at Wayne High School as a student athletic trainer. When I finished high school, I was hired as the Assistant Head Athletic Trainer. I went on to Ohio State University and was hired as a student athletic trainer. In 1985, I joined the United States Air Force as a Medical Service Specialist. During my stay in the Air Force, I was trained and worked in the OB/GYN ward; Gastro Enterology Clinic and the Medical/Surgical Intensive Care Units. I was specially trained as a Cardiac Technician. Cardiac Technicians were trained to specialize in the receiving of Cardiac or Pulmonary patients. I was promoted to Educational Coordinator for the technicians and developed the first ever Basic Critical Care Course for technicians. I was also trained in the Air Force as an Aerospace Physiology Technician. During this period in the Air Force, I worked in High Altitude Research, Centrifuge Operations and I was exposed to hyperbaric medicine and chamber operations. Throughout my stay in the Air Force, I was trained as a field medical technician. It was my war time job to decontaminate any injured soldiers from exposure to biological, chemical or nuclear contamination prior to them being treated by a technician. In June of 1991, I was honorably discharged from the military. I started college again in January of 1992 at Incarnate Word College in San Antonio, Texas. I put myself through college working as a polysomnagraphic technician (sleep disorder technician.) It was my responsibility to prepare the patients for the monitoring of brain wave activity, respiration, blood oxygen saturation, rapid eye movement and heart rate. The purpose was to determine sleep apnea, a condition where people stop breathing in their sleep for small periods of time. I would then monitor them throughout the night, making notations for Dr. Sabri Derman. If indicated, I would on the second night, by orders from Dr. Derman, monitor the patient with the application of a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure machine. In May of 1994, I graduated with a B.S. in Environmental Science with a heavy emphasis on chemistry and biology. I continued to work as a sleep study technician until September of 1994. I moved to Columbus, Ohio where I worked as a fitness instructor. While in Columbus, I studied Bondo (Burmese style kickbocking) under the instruction of Dr. Tim Flemings. I moved to Miami in August of 1996 and soon started my training of Yang style Taiji Quan under the direction of Lewis Paleias. Lewis Paleias is a coach instructor under Dr. Yang Jwing Ming. His instruction has involved the Long Form (108 movements), weapons training, martial applications, Qi-gong and Chin-na (Joint locking). In November of 1998, I went on to receive my Personal Training Certification from A.C.E. (American Council on Exercise). Since then I have received my Certification on Mat Pilates. In October of 2005, I decided to leave all of my materials behind and travel to Japan and then China. I stayed in Japan for 6 weeks and learned about the culture and met with some of the leading Energy workers. I worked Energy healings on several people before leaving to China on the first week of December. I landed in Shanghai and traveled south and then west through the country. While traveling, I visited several schools of Traditional Chinese Medicine and performed healings on different individuals. I was also able to discuss and practice Taiji concepts with many teachers and students alike. In the city of Shen Zhen, I was able to learn part of a new style of Taiji under the teachings of Mr. Song, a six generation Taiji Master. His style of Taiji is called Shen Xing Taiji (Spirit Body Taiji). The greatest teachings were of the spirit of all the people who worked so hard and had so little, and yet were content. Through visions and messages, Spirit gave me the name of Soaring Hawk, and the title of a Shaman. As my healing abilities keep increasing, I wish to teach and help others to heal and find happiness. It is my desire to assist people to find a balance between, Spiritual awareness, Mental Tranquility and Physical health. Your environment can show the imbalances in side yourself, allowing you to make changes. These are the ways of the Shaman. It is my purpose to continue to grow in knowledge and skill, and assist all of those who desire a happier and healthier lifestyle. P.E.A.C.E.