I have always known that I was meant for more, I just didn’t exactly know what the “more” was….throughout my life and still to this day, I was always “that friend”, the person my friends, family and colleagues would turn to for counsel or advice when they needed feedback, or the “voice of reason” from someone they could trust. Unbeknownst to me, I was already coaching before I even knew it was a “thing”! Like many people, I took the traditional route in life. I did well in school and was successful in my chosen career field of Information Technology, first as a Network Engineer (that’s the geeky side of me, minus the pocket protector – so uncool!) and then later transitioned into the Project Management world as a Project Manager and worked my way up earning various promotions along the way to Program Manager, managing multiple large, big budget, complex programs. All that was great for a while but then I felt myself thinking, more often than not, “is this it…am I “there” (so where is “there” anyhow?!) and deep down inside of me, despite my “success”, I knew something was missing. So I sat down to do some self-reflection and to figure out why I was feeling so dissatisfied and unhappy when “on paper” it looked like I was at the top of my game and should really be happy…and this is what I realized… I am what many people refer to as an “Old Soul” and I truly believe that we were all born with a Life Purpose. I am firmly rooted in my Faith and spirituality and have mastered many techniques like Conscious Creation, the Law of Attraction, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), and Guided Imagery Techniques. I have had the honor of working with many executive business leaders and Master High Performance Business Coaches during my Corporate career, which helped me rapidly excel in the business world and help empower others to succeed along the way…and then all of a sudden the light bulb finally went off .. that’s it – that’s my Life Purpose… …To become a Coach so I can positively impact and empower clients to find their voice, discover their passion, step into their power and lead a deliciously rewarding & fulfilling life! I got certified as a Professional Life Coach in 2009 and started immediately using it in my professional career. I also started my coaching practice on the side, with the intention of transitioning full-time into my coaching practice “sooner rather than later”. Lo and behold, my career got even “busier” and before I knew it (9 years later), the Universe had brought me right back to the very place where I realized that I was unhappy and that something still had to change…