Stephanie McClelen, LAc, MSOM

Liscensed Acupuncturist,

I am a devoted practitioner of the science, art and philosophy of Eastern Medicine and will talk with anyone who wants to know more about it. I am a teacher, an accountability coach, a motivator for transformation and a lover of deep meaning and inner work that helps a person heal from the inside out. I’m a bridge between Eastern and Western medicine theory and science. I can translate Eastern Medicine concepts and ideas that are foreign to the Western mind but valid in their own right. Through my formal training and my life experiences, my talent lies in being able to see the whole person in body, mind and spirt to help them move into true healing by digging deep through gentle motivation, kindness, compassion, and true partnership. How I got here: In 2003, at the age of 33 and after the birth of my second child, I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. My life would never be the same. I spent several years feeling physically awful, mentally tormented, and spiritually drained. I identified with the disease and the symptoms more than with how I could change and create a “new normal” after this chapter in my life story. I felt I had no power over this god-forsaken illness. I wanted to believe I could take a pill, forget about it and go about my life the way it was. After seeing many Western doctors from various disciplines to discuss my symptoms, I was told that I was “fine” and that my labs were “with-in range” and sent me on my way. At the end of my rope, a friend recommended that I see her Chinese Medicine practitioner. My world changed that day. With very loving but frank discussions, homework assignments, deep inner reflection, beautiful treatments and herbal remedies, I learned that I am accountable for my healing. I needed to listen and respect my body, mind my thoughts, beliefs/attitudes and connect with the deepest parts of me that allowed me to heal from the inside out. And I did just that. I healed. It was a journey of transformation through body, mind and spirit. It was a journey I would not trade for the anything. Illness is often a messenger of bigger life lessons. I still take every day as it comes and Chinese Medicine gives me the tools to deal with the changing tide and journey through health with grace and self-awareness. Medicine should give us the tools to be more than our illness and live happy, healthy lives whatever our circumstances.