Stacy Shannon

Nutrition Coach

In the years preceding my second career as a fitness professional and nutritional health and wellness advocate, I was frustrated with all of the confusing health information. Web searches weren’t really a thing early on, and once it was, finding reliable sources to trust was challenging. I created this website for two reasons: 1) To merge health information and unveil the intersecting parts from various schools of thought–western medicine, eastern medicine, the fitness field, the nutrition field, and the like. My goal is to make it easy for my students and readers to discover the common denominators that persist in true health across the centuries. 2) This site will boil it down to a few simple truths and simple solutions in health that will clear away much of the confusion that has been caused by an ongoing dump of new and sometimes conflicting health information. We need clarity. We need solutions. Join me to discover the persisting cornerstones of wellness over time–for both cures and prevention. This site will lay out principles that most educated and self-educated health professionals, agree upon (whether they preach it or not) for conditions often feared to be irreversible.