Sophie Guellati-Salcedo

Health Psychologist

Dr. Sophie Guellati-Salcedo was a clinical psychologist in France and became licensed in Florida in 2007. She first graduated in Clinical Psychology from the Université Paris V René Descartes in 1999. Early on, she developed a specific interest in the study of psychological factors of resilience and dispositional traits such as optimism, coping styles, and personality measured in health relevant contexts. Interacting with medically-ill patients, she preferred to identify and strengthen their resources and assess their social support network, rather than focusing on their symptoms, weaknesses, or limitations. This perspective permeates through her clinical work today. In 2000, she came to Miami as a Fulbright scholar to conduct research in Health Psychology/Behavioral Medicine, a discipline concerned with understanding how biology, behavior, and social context influence health and illness. At the University of Miami, her research focused on the use of cognitive-behavioral and stress-management techniques to enhance coping skills and emotional well-being in women with early-stage breast cancer. Her study emphasized the importance of skill building and social functioning to promote wellbeing. She further explored the field of psychoneuroimmunology, or the study of the interaction between psychological processes and the nervous and immune systems of the human body, as it applies to the understanding of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. She graduated from the University of Miami’s clinical psychology program, Health Track, in 2004 In the last phase of her clinical training, Dr. Guellati-Salcedo was able to integrate different theoretical orientations and spiritual insights to clinical skills. Her integrative approach included psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, interpersonal, systemic, and schema-focused therapy, as well as stress management and relaxation techniques. In addition, she received practical and formal training in group therapy and hypnotherapy. From 2004 to 2020, she conducted psychoeducational, neuropsychological, and personality assessments to detect giftedness, learning disabilities, Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder, and/or psychiatric conditions in adults and children (first grade and up). She additionally conducts evaluations specifically geared to fulfill advanced requirements of graduate level requests for accommodations for standardized testing such as the GRE, GMAT, MCAT or LSAT. Dr. Guellati-Salcedo was born in Paris, France and has been living in Miami since the year 2000. She is married and has a daughter. She is bi-cultural and bilingual in French/English. Her exposure to diverse cultures has made her particularly sensitive to the specific integration challenges associated to cultural differences. Prior to her psychological training, Dr. Guellati-Salcedo completed a master’s degree in business administration and worked several years in the corporate world. This experience has allowed her to better understand and support individuals overcoming everyday life stressors and major life transitions.