Sonam Targee


Sonam has been successfully treating patients in a clinical setting for over 30 years. His training has been in ancient Asian medical modalities including Ayurveda, Tai Chi (traditional Chinese medicine), Chi Gung, and Yoga. In addition, his expertise in sacred music, sound healing and the spiritual arts gives him a diverse palate of healing modalities from which to choose and to impart. Sonam  performs regularly as a musician and leads groups in Kirtan (sacred chanting).

Sonam was born in Kodaikanal, India to Christian Missionary parents. His early years in India acted as a springboard for his future studies, immersing himself in the study of meditation, sacred music and the healing arts since youth. He has had the good fortune to study with many well-known spiritual teachers as well as renowned teachers of Asian styles of medicine including; Dr. Lad, Dr. Svoboda, Dr. Mahadevan, His Holiness The 16th Karmapa, Master Mantak Chia, Baba Muktananda,  Dr. Hawkins, and Yeshe Donden (personal physician to His Holiness the Dalai Lama). Sonam has studied the Medicine Buddha ritual with Trangu Rinpoche. He has also studied mridangum with Guru N.V. Venkatraman in Chennai and New Delhi, India.

Sonam holds a degree in Ethno-Musicology from Empire State College. He has a Master’s degree in Chinese Medicine from the New England School of Acupuncture, and is a certified practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

In addition to his clinical practice, Sonam offers classes in Ayurvedic healing techniques and various other Asian healing systems. His intention is simply to pass along the profound information that has been taught to him to help alleviate suffering and bring about healing in all living beings.