Siri Scull

Health Coach

Certified Hypnotherapist, Nutritional Counselor, Life Coach, and Chi Nei Tsang Massage Therapist, Siri calls on her various expertise, depending on the need of her clients. This is a truly holistic approach to wellbeing! “Like many healers, my passion for health and wellness originated with my own quest to feel better. My digestion was thrown out of whack after extended travels abroad in the year 2000 which made me aware that my health was no longer something I could take for granted. I saw that proper digestion was the cornerstone for so many bodily functions including the immune system, energy levels, and even emotional/mental functioning. ​ When a friend introduced me to Chi Nei Tsang, a form of abdominal massage, I was amazed how much it alleviated digestive issues and brought about a deep relaxation I had never experienced before. I began studying at the Chi Nei Tsang Institute in Oakland, CA with Gilles Marin where I eventually received my certification. ​As my understanding of the body and energy developed, I became deeply interested in what we put into our bodies and how food affects overall health. I went on to earn a certification as a Nutrition Consultant at the Bauman College. ​The biggest challenge I saw in myself and with clients was the difficulty we can encounter when trying to implement and follow through with healthy practices. Sometimes, we really want to make healthier choices, but when we are stuck in certain habits and belief systems, making changes isn’t so easy! I then became interested in Hypnotherapy as a way to change thought patterns and behaviors that no longer serve oneself. Through hypnosis, I’ve learned that it is not only what you put in your body that is important but also your mindset and emotional state. With hypnotherapy, things that before felt stuck or engrained, suddenly become malleable. I’ve been amazed by how helpful hypnosis can be, not only for health, but also for a whole range of emotional issues. I trained and received my Certificate of Hypnosis in New York with Melissa Tiers, author of “Integrative Hypnosis: A Comprehensive Course in Change”. The last piece of my training is in becoming a Life Coach through iPEC. While hypnosis is great for breaking through unconscious blocks, working regularly with a life coach helps with goal setting, accountability, and gives the chance to develop that relationship over time with someone who is your champion. ​I absolutely love what I do and am constantly hungry to learn more, so that I can provide a rich & holistic experience for my clients. There is nothing more satisfying than when a client tells me that working with me has been the thing that has finally made a real difference in their lives!