Sherry Litasi

Dynamic Bodyworker

Bodywork is my second career. My first was working in computer technology as a programmer, project manager, consultant, data architect and manager. In 2004 I developed an autoimmune disease called Graves Disease and nearly went blind after surgery that removed my thyroid. I had double vision, blind to some colors, minimal night vision, and could not read for two years. Needless to say, I lacked energy and suffered with depression. I asked myself “what can I do if I go blind?”. Then I thought about a blind woman from Romania who became a massage therapist. Why not? So, I went to massage school and lacking good eyesight, my other senses took over. I became immersed into an amazing new world! All those years in IT were not wasted. I never forgot how to analyze a problem and come up with solutions. I also believe that my health history makes me a better therapist because I understand the impact of pain and the difficult search to feel better. My Process Never content to mask a problem, I want to understand the source(s) of pain and end any restrictions. Each year I decide what new skills will be my focus. In 2006 and 2007 I was integrating PUSH Therapy and Lymphatic Drainage. I discovered Young Living Essential Oils (YLEO) in 2008 and Aromatherapy became my focus. YLEO products, especially Ningxia Red, gave me back my vision, and being able to read again, I eagerly began studying Nutrition. In 2009 my collaboration with a friend helped me integrate active movement into PUSH Therapy making it even more effective! The discovery of Tom Myers’ book “Anatomy Trains” in 2010 was a game-changer! As we began to learn Tom Myers’ Fascial Meridians we uncovered the real causes of posture distortion, chronic pain, and developed new ways to release restrictions in the fascia. By the end of 2010, I wanted to work deep fascia that supports our structure. I needed to know how to work around and with the abdominal organs, so 2011 became the year of Visceral Manipulation! I’ve learned to manipulate the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys/Adrenals, Spleen, Pancreas, Small and Large Intestines, Sphincters (transitions between organs), and drain the Gallbladder. Integrating VM techniques into my work, both with organs and joints, has increased my ability to help my clients. Check out case studies to get an idea of what is possible. In October 2011 I participated in a Visceral Manipulation Dissection class. It may sound a bit weird, but there is nothing like holding a human heart in your hands! We are truly beautiful on the inside and I feel so indebted to the woman who gave her body to science so we could learn from her. In February 2012 I learned techniques to help incontinence and reproductive organs. In October 2012 VM4 (thorax – lungs, thyroid, heart) brought it all together for me. June of 2012 began the year of Neural Manipulation. Within the past 3 years (as of spring 2014) I’ve taken 7 VM and 4 NM classes, 8 days of dissection, a myofascial release class from Walt Fritz, and an Orth bionomy class! Using ASEA since the end of July, 2014 has taken my health and my sense of touch to a whole new level! I grew frustrated by obvious nutritional issues with some clients and my inability to help them achieve their goals with only manual therapy. I knew they needed solid nutritional help, so finally decided to get back to school. I started preparing January, 2015 and after intensive study, Aced my final exam the end of September. Although I’m certified, I can’t help stop! I’m already taking additional training to have functional evaluation skills – is this an addiction? 🙂 Most of my existing clients humored me at first, but now have embraced the new way of looking at their health. It’s so exciting to see their progress! Yes, this is my new career. But it’s not a job; it’s not work to me. It’s a joy to help people! I continue to study, research and develop my own method of integrating all of these amazing tools. My future is unwritten, but I am confident that this is the path I was destined to travel. Thanks for reading! Sherry