Ruth Miner Glass


I’m a practicing clinical herbalist in Saint Petersburg, Florida. I have studied herbalism for 20 years as a family herbalist, attended numerous herbal conferences and completed two certified clinical herbal study programs. The diverse background has trained me in both Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Herbalism with a focus on the plants native to Pinellas County. The Eight Principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) serve as the foundation for my clinical practice. My mentors, Bob Linde and Renee Crozier of the Traditions School of Herbal Studies, along with many other professional herbalists around the country and world, have provided invaluable guidance, wisdom, and support in my years of training. After spending years studying the ethno-botanical uses of the bio-regional plants of Florida, I find them full of magic and mystery. My growing herbal product line, Ruthie’s Botanicals, is a blend of local wild-harvested herbs and carefully cultivated herbs. I hand-craft them with the cycles of the moon. To remain connected with the local herbalist community, I serve as the President of the local the West Coast of Florida Regional Chapter of the American Herbalist Guild and also teach a variety of nature themed classes for all ages in Tampa Bay. I enjoy being outdoors with my husband and 2 children, particularly when we are surrounded with wild herbs!