Roxana Torreblanca

HBL Mastery Facilitator

Venezuelan with more than 33 years in the United States; Professional Engineer in the State of Florida; worked for 10 years as an Engineer with the Department of Transportation of the State of Florida (1988-1998) and two years with the Department of Public Works in Dade County (1999-2000). Certified in Feng Shui at the New York Institute since 2000, working in parallel with Engineering; she engaged in more sophisticated fields such as Geopathic Stress, which are the effects on human health due to Geopathic lines, groundwater currents, and earth faults; and Electrosmog, which is the effect of electromagnetic radiation that is the result of wireless technology, towers and transmitters of cell phones, electricity, appliances and cellular electricity suppliers, and satellites. In the search for her spiritual path, from a very early age, Roxana has been involved in many different practices covering topics such as Metaphysics, Theosophy, Advanced Conscious Channeling, Regressions of Past Lives, healing with the technique of Sukio Mahikary and Rene Mey; cultivation of his personality through TAO, a Chinese Philosophy for a period of 7 years. Roxana opens her first Holistic Center in the Miami Lakes area in 2012 offering services to the community. In 2014, Roxana retires to the mountains of Cali Colombia separating from the material world and spending a period of 6 months in a spiritual center deepening all her teachings and understanding her internal duality with more wisdom. She realized clearly that each person that interacted with her in her path, was a mirror of what she had inside of her, and that she was the producer of her own movie; so the responsibility of what happened outside of her, was 100% hers. Roxana is guided to continue her Engineer learning in sustainable constructions, and get connected to Mother Earth in a different way.