Ronak Patel

Naturopathic Doctor

Ronak Patel, ND, is a board certified and licensed Naturopathic Physician (Vermont). He grew up in Connecticut and went to pharmacy school in Albany, NY where he received a bachelor’s degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences. As a graduate from the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe, AZ, Dr. Patel received the prestigious Daphne Blayden Award for his “commitment to naturopathic medicine, academic excellence, compassion, perseverance, a loving sense of humor and a positive, supportive outlook.” Ronak Patel is trained as a general practitioner/primary care physician and is licensed as such in the state of Vermont. While he is a licensed physician in the State of Vermont, Georgia confers nor recognizes no such degree and therefore prohibits him from using the title of physician or doctor. He is not recognized by the Georgia Composite Medical Board as being a licensable doctor at this time (we are currently striving for licensure in the State of Georgia to hopefully change this in the near future; please let us know if you would like to support this effort). He truly believes in an integrative approach, using the best of both worlds of pharmaceutical and nutraceutical interventions. His personal areas of interest are endocrinology, gastroenterology, and rheumatology. In general, Ronak enjoys individualizing care for each of his patients while treating the root cause of their dis-ease. He enjoys longer visits with patients to truly know them and effectively creating long-term treatment plans. In his time away from the office, he enjoys hiking, cooking, traveling and watching Seinfeld reruns.