Robert Bastress II


Robert is a National Board Certified Licensed Acupuncturist. He earned a Masters degree at the Traditional Acupuncture Institute in Columbia, Maryland, in 1999. He is a 2003 graduate of the Jaffe Institute of Spiritual and Medical Healing with a specialty in Spiritual Ministry. He earned a Masters in medical QiGong in 2016 at the Tao House with Dr. Isaac Goren, DMQ.

Robert has more than two decades of private practice as an acupuncturist, specializing in pain management, digestive disorders, and women’s health. He has studied with Acupuncture Master Teachers from China and uses a combination of Dr. Tan’s balance method as well as Dr. Ming Qing Zhu’s and Dr. Huo’s scalp acupuncture techniques.

Nutrition Response Testing is another technique that he uses in sessions to help determine if there is hidden stress in the body due to food sensitivities, immune stress, toxic metals or chemical stress, and scars that may be interfering with the healing process. This process helps determine the best route to relieve the body of physical stressors.

His background in spiritual ministry compliments the acupuncture sessions. For many people it allows them to heal underlying painful emotions that may be at the root of most chronic ailments. Spiritual healing is centered around your personal heart connection with the Divine or higher spiritual guidance. Connection to spirit is the vehicle for transformation of the heart from suffering to emotional healing and freedom.

He provides free community natural health care educational seminars to discuss a natural holistic approach to many topics including: headaches/migraines, chronic pain, digestive issues, allergies and asthma, and women’s health.

Robert also has a background in teaching crane style and medical QiGong, and offers classes to support healing by cleansing, nourishing, and balancing the body through specific breath and posture exercises.

Robert shares, “It is my sincere honor to work with people who are looking for natural solutions to restore and maintain their optimal health.”