Renee Johnson

Meditation & Yoga Instructor

Meet Renée: your new partner on your path to wellness a little bit more on why you became a heath & wellness coach… Personal experiences really shifted my perspective on who I felt I was and where I wanted to be. But it was not only the changes I was going through personally but also having several friends become ill with life-altering illnesses that cause me to come to the realization that we must have a much more integrative approach to our wellness that includes the body, mind, and a sense of purpose. We need to be balanced on all levels of our being: physically, mentally and emotionally and for me health & wellness coaching is a way to help others incorporate those changes in their lives. Why did you become a meditation and yoga instructor? Teaching meditation and yoga developed out of my own 20+ year yogic practice. With all the changes that were happening in my life, I found yoga and meditation helped me stay anchored and able to navigate the changes in the manner that I desired. What type of clients do you work with? I am open to and enjoy working with any one who is open to the experience of change and the desire to grow. Also in addition to seeing private clients, I am also blessed to be able to work at the mayo clinic hospital and work often with people with a diagnosis of cancer or other illnesses.