Randi Willhite

Reiki Master

Randi Willhite is a renowned Spiritual Coach that uses Biofeedback during her sessions. This unique combination allows the client to receive energy healing during the coaching sessions which releases the effects of stress and anxiety. Randi is known for her passion in working with those who have experienced trauma, and leads them through the process of release, to building self-trust and self-love, to living in joy and authenticity. My story~ I was in a 20 year relationship with a narcissist. I started doing Biofeedback because I had discovered a huge block in my throat chakra. I wasn’t speaking up for myself, I wasn’t standing up for myself, and I wasn’t living authentically. When I started to really grow into my spirituality and authenticity, the abuse and belittling became worse. Through my own healing, I was finally able to confidently step away from the marriage. One year later, my 16 year old son was killed in a car accident. A mother’s worst nightmare. The first year, I survived to make sure my daughter was ok. The second year, I broke. I gave up. I begged God just to take me, but deep down I knew that I have a purpose here, so here I am. This last year, I’ve worked with an amazing healer, have joined wonderful spiritual communities and re-opened my business. I am a Wounded Healer. This is why I do what I do. It is my passion and my purpose. Randi passionately works with people who have been in abusive, traumatic relationships; people who have been in narcissistic relationships; and people who suffer from traumatic event and military/first responder related PTSD. She offers a 30 minute demo biofeedback session at a steep discount, single sessions, and a 12 Week Trauma Healing Course. All sessions include the combination of Spiritual Coaching and Biofeedback. **All sessions can be done remotely**