Rachel Mueller-Lust

Health Coach

I love love and relationships. My journey in life has been filled with so much love, being happily married to my husband for over 30 years and is bursting with friends, family, nature and animals.

I am someone who is passionate about people; in fact, I began my career as a psychology professor because I was so interested in understanding people’s behavior.  I love language and I am fascinated by how people communicate in conversation and in writing.  And I love to write!  My career path took me from teaching and learning about language to working in executive positions in advertising and marketing in TV and the Internet.

I enjoy connecting with groups of people from the front of the room and I continue to do guest lectures at universities.  Just as much, I appreciate intimate conversations and learning one-to-one about people’s lives and relationships.  I know that so much of life, whether it is business or personal, is about relationships.   Whatever role I have had in my life, I have been a mentor and confidant to many.

For over a decade I have also been an executive and life coach.  I received my coaching training and certification from the Coaches Training Institute and that work has allowed me to engage with many people and to be of service to them as they search for fulfillment in their lives and relationships.  My heart and soul is in my work, both as a celebrant and as a coach, because I love the individuality of people and I want to celebrate and support everyone on their journey through life and in love.

For my work as a wedding and ceremony writer and performer, I trained at the Celebrant Foundation & Institute and I am a certified Life-Cycle Celebrant®.  I received my ordination as a minister from the Universal Brotherhood Movement, Inc. in order to legally solemnize marriages.  Although I no longer regularly perform weddings, as a celebrant, I adored that I was able to create meaningful ceremonies for people with diverse beliefs and backgrounds.

In my blogs, I write about being mindful in life and finding grace in everything around me.  If you are interested in coaching, email me. Thank you for stopping by.  I hope to hear from you.

XOXO Rachel