Rachel Esquilin



I first began my journey towards Acupuncture and East Asian Medicine in 2004. I was working at a Rape Crisis Center doing Legal and Medical Advocacy for survivors of Sexual Assault. While I was committed to the work, my mind, body and spirit were experiencing serious burn out. During this time, I was exploring different methods of self-care and had developed a serious spiritual practice which included daily meditations.

One day during a strategic planning retreat for work, I had an “ah ha” moment. I didn’t love this work and it was making me physically ill. I had so much passion and desire to help people heal, but I felt stuck in my role as an advocate within a dysfunctional medical system. So I went outside to a peaceful grassy hill and began to meditate on what I wanted to do with my life.

After a long meditation session, I was 100% clear that I wanted and needed to become an Acupuncturist. I knew that it would allow me to provide people with the tools necessary to truly heal and enjoy myself in the process. The message was clear and I knew it with all of my being. I was committed to my new path. I have never looked back and am thankful everyday that I took the leap of faith to embark on this journey. I fully understand the potency of that message and what a gift I received from the Universe that day.

In my practice, I often find myself supporting patients on their path towards personal peace. This inner peace and fulfillment come from being aligned physically, mentally and spiritually. In order for alignment to happen, one’s thoughts, words and actions must match. This is a wonderful state of being in integrity with oneself, which leads to upright Qi or good health. With the understanding that the mind and body are one in the same; in treating one, you automatically treat the other. I use Chinese Medicine to help people come back into balance so that they have the clarity necessary for this alignment to happen. In addition to Chinese Medicine, I utilize intuition, counseling/coaching, energetic release, breathing techniques and visualizations where appropriate and necessary.

Rachel Esquilin holds a Master of Science degree from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in New York City, where she graduated valedictorian of her class in 2009. She has a thriving private practice in Park Slope, Brooklyn and has clinical experience providing Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine to patients in several New York City hospital settings. These include St. John’s Hospital, St. Vincent’s Hospital and New York University’s Hospital for Joint Diseases. She has provided on-site fertility acupuncture treatments to women undergoing Invitro-Fertilization procedures (IVF) at St. Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital in Manhattan. In addition, she has treated hundreds of patients in community style acupuncture settings both locally and nationally.

Rachel has a strong background in women’s health and extensive experience providing medical advocacy, legal advocacy, health education and counseling. In her practice, she has witnessed the transformative power of Chinese Medicine in restoring balance to the body, mind and spirit. She combines Acupuncture, Tui-Na (Chinese massage), Cupping, Gua Sha, Qi Gong and Herbal Medicine to provide her patients with a highly individualized healing session.