Paty L Mariposa

Stress Release Expert

I began Mariposas Holistic in 2013 while living in Nicaragua after relocating there after graduation with high hopes of empowering communities as I was working with a non-profit organization. My dreams were shattered as the Director let me go shortly after I arrived due to miscommunication. I had moved to Nicaragua after completing my public health internship there for my graduate program in New Mexico. As I laid on a couch for a few days in agony about what to do, debating about returning to the US, a text came through from someone asking for help. My first client came to me out of desperation as she had heard about my ability to ease people’s pain and discomfort using energy healing. She explained how she felt lost after the medical community was unable to help her after many appointments and medication attempts. We began her treatment with counseling and energy healing sessions. After a few sessions we were able to discover the source of the pain, an emotional attachment from childhood which continued into adulthood that was trapped in her subconsciousness. Using these tools and her intention she was able to release it holistically and to this day the pain has not returned and she’s much happier and healthier. This awakened in me the desire to assist people on their healing journey in which the medical or mental health field has failed them so they can awaken to a new understanding about their unconscious beliefs. I never thought I would become an entrepreneur and I’m grateful Source has offered me this path of which I walk with gratitude. I am now on a mission to help others connect to a spiritual source through gratitude, inner peace, and continued learning as they release stress naturally using complementary tools using Western and Eastern healing modalities.