Pamela Guard, L.Ac.

Licensed Acupuncturist

I am a Board Certified Diplomate of Acupuncture from the National Certification Committee of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) and a licensed acupuncturist in the state of Arizona. I received a Master of Science in Acupuncture (MSAC) from the Phoenix Institute of Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture, where I completed over 945 hours of clinical internship under the supervision of a Professional Licensed Acupuncturist. I also received specialized training in Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation. Prior to that, I received a Bachelor of Science in Hotel Management from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and worked in the hospitality industry for 18 years. My first experience with acupuncture was in 2001 for debilitating migraines. Just when I thought I had tried every remedy available, a friend gifted me his scheduled acupuncture appointment after seeing how much pain I was in. I walked out of the appointment with a sense of relief and hope. With a few more treatments, I no longer suffered these terrible episodes. I was intrigued and grateful for introduction to this medicine. For many years, I continued working in hotels and aviation, both fast paced 24 hour industries, and credit regular acupuncture treatments for keeping me balanced and preventing burn out. After much thought, I decided acupuncture was no longer simply an interest for me; it was a field I wanted to pursue. Through the service industry, I learned that you have to take care of yourself in order to take care of others and I am inspired to promote this to others through acupuncture. I am honored to assist my patients in their healing, to educate them, and empower them to take control of their own health.