Norma Harris

Meditation Instructor

As a chaplain, I provide spiritual counseling to people of all religions, to people who are non-religious, and to those who are atheists. I was raised in a non-religious Jewish household and have been a practicing Buddhist for 24 years. I am authorized as a Buddhist chaplain in the Shambhala Buddhist tradition. As a Buddhist practitioner, I engage in mindfulness/awareness meditation and other types of contemplative practice on a regular basis. I am a dharma teacher at the Grant Park Meditation Center and a meditation instructor for people with any level of experience. Until recently I was a volunteer chaplain at GD&CP prison in Jackson, Georgia to teach meditation to men on death row and to visit other inmates throughout the prison. My prior background is as a speech-language pathologist working with children and adults, and as a psychotherapist doing play therapy with children. I have an MA in Speech-Language Pathology from George Washington University, an MA in Contemplative Psychotherapy from Naropa University, and a PhD in Human Resource Development from Georgia State University. I have trained in MBSR with John Kabat-Zinn. And I am a three-time cancer survivor.