Nick Nanos


Mr. Nanos is a Licensed Massage Therapist, a Licensed Acupuncturist,and a lifetime Martial Artist offering Traditional Chinese Medicine & MA Instruction.

Prior to embarking on this career in Oriental Healing, Mr. Nanos taught public school Biology/Science for 25 years. His avocation is the Martial Arts having studied and taught the Martial Arts as a sport, as self-defense and as an art form for more than 56 years. The highest level of attainment in Martial Arts is not hurting and harming, but rather, helping and healing. Traditionally, the Martial Arts Master was the Healer and Spiritual Leader of his community. This exposure to Oriental philosophy (Taoism and Buddhism) gained through the Martial Arts, and extensive background of Western sciences and biology have brought Mr. Nanos to establish Oriental Martial and Healing Arts.