Natalie Forster

Health Coach

Natalie is a Registered Dietitian practicing integrative & functional nutrition for over 10 years. She has witnessed transformations so profound, in both herself and clients, one would think they were magic. But as she came to learn, the body heals with ease when worked with holistically.

For 22 years, Natalie believed her own autoimmune condition of chronic asthma was incurable. Being dependent upon medication and spending nights in the emergency room was the only reality she knew. It was tough, but she was tougher. It’s been 10 years since she depended on medication and when asked what got her here, the response is simple — she began eating better and breathing better.

Of course, there’s much more to it. Cue, the creation of Revived Roots — a science-based wellness company empowering you with holistic nutrition and lifestyle tools for a happy, healthy, fulfilling life.

When she’s not in action with clients, you’ll find her traveling the wild lands and waters of our beautiful planet with her best canine side-kick, Shasta the dog.

Registered & Licensed Dietitian
AIP-Certified Coach
NLP Certified
Yoga-RYT 400