Michael Kuang

Personal Training

Hi! I’m Michael! I am a certified Yoga Therapist, 500-hour yoga alliance instructor, NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist, and Personal Trainer. I’m driven to help people with injuries and chronic conditions feel better, gain strength, and improve balance. I also work with clients to achieve general fitness and sports performance goals. I do this by creating one-on-one programs that utilize yoga therapy and corrective exercises. My motto is “Stronger Foundations, Better Results.” My journey to yoga therapy and corrective exercise began after a serious car accident that left me with chronic pain, PTSD and depression. Following the accident, I was left with injuries stemming from muscle and postural imbalances. This experience gave me the opportunity to tune into my body and pushed me to pursue alternative paths to healing. From that point on, my eyes were opened to the importance of building strength and flexibility through conscious attention to human anatomy. I became certified as a personal trainer and started to notice that every client faced unique physical challenges. I wanted to understand more about those challenges from a physiological level, so I enrolled in a Corrective Exercise program. Some time after that, I began to explore Yoga, which I thought of as an important supplement to optimal wellness. I enjoyed the emphasis on connecting mind with body and wanted to incorporate this into my program. Today, I utilize every facet of my personal and professional experience to provide responsible one-on-one training. I’ve helped clients achieve life-changing results and I’m so grateful to be able to make a difference.