Maury Stephan

MFR Massage Therapist

As a child, I was fascinated with all things related to the body. I thought I might grow up to be a doctor, and yet there were so many incongruities in the system that I realized medicine was not my path. After a brief stint working for a large bank in NYC, I returned to the healing arts. In 1990 I moved to California to go to an innovative massage school: National Holistic Institute. I developed a full practice within a chiropractic office in Berkeley where I honed my skills working with many types of injuries as well as with healthy individuals who just wanted to relax. I was also a member of the Bay Area Sports Massage team and had the opportunity to work on a variety of athletes including professional dancers, and basketball players, Olympic swimmers, as well as weekend warriors. Over the years I studied a variety of techniques, including Neuromuscular Therapy, Thai massage, Craniosacral Therapy, and Reiki, to name a few. In 2012, I discovered Myofascial Release Therapy. In one session I felt the connection of my body’s fascia and fully understood the concept of pain in one area of the body resulting from dysfunction in another location. I have been studying with John Barnes ever since, learning the power of this subtle yet profound system. Work with me and together we will discover the secrets of your inner web.