Maureen Nuccittelli

Health Coach

I inspire people to take action that can really help improve their lives. I’m inspired by the watching people get results from my coaching that really does improve their lives. I know in my heart I’m meant to use my life to help as many people as possible reach a fully healthy state–whether it’s in the realm of physical, nutritional, environmental, emotional and/or spiritual wellness. Despite living a healthy lifestyle as avid exerciser and health food enthusiast, Maureen suffered from chronic fatigue, food sensitivities, hypothyroidism, allergies and digestive disorders. She went to doctors, holistic practitioners of every sort, energy workers and allergists yet her symptoms grew more intense every year. Like so many other doctors, her doctors told her that her symptoms were due to her getting older. Ugh. But Maureen wouldn’t give up and she sought answers on her own, devouring every bit of research and the contents of numerous books that she could get her hands on. Luckily, Maureen studied science in college at Tufts University, so she is adept at reading scientific articles and research. She needed to go “upstream” to find the root cause. Several people helped her find her root cause–heavy metal toxicity and the Epstein-Barr virus. She did everything in her power to help detoxify: infrared saunas, dry brushing, taking activated charcoal, following Dr. Pompa’s detoxing program, changing her diet. Finally she found a doctor to help her detoxify all remnants of the heavy metals and help her rid her body of the EB virus . She got better. She had an unusual childhood, taking care of a mentally mother. But she has no regrets since it helped make her who she is today. And over the years, Maureen has submerged herself in Personal Transformation to deal with the trauma from her childhood. This influenced her Life Purpose: she could help others figure their health challenges and reduce the stress and help them heal their lives. That’s her passion and she wants to share it with as many people as possible. She has a BS in Psychology from Tufts University; certification as a Whole Health Educator from the New England School of Whole Health Education and certified as a Life Coach, Fowler International Academy of Life Coaching. Short Bio Maureen coaches and guides clients to finding the root cause of their lack of wellness–chronic fatigue, pains, lack of energy and stubborn weight gain. She researches scientific resources and cutting edge information, including the latest bio-hacks, connects the dots and presents it in easy to understand language. She co-creates an action plan so that her clients get better, see immediate results and enjoy vibrant health . Certified Life Coach: Fowler International Academy of Professional Coaching Certified: New England School of Whole Health Education BS Psychology, Tufts University.