Mary Morrison


I fell in love with the wisdom of the body the year my own body tried to kill me.
The year I turned 28 was also the year I almost didn’t turn 29.

I was diagnosed with a mystery blood disorder — idiopathic thrombolcytopenia purpura, which literally means, “we have no idea what’s causing it, but there’s something way wrong with your platelets” — and spent a year of treatments trying to keep my platelet counts high enough to not die.

Eventually I came out the other side (minus my spleen), took a look back at everything that had gone on over the past year, and thought to myself, “There has to be a better way for people to experience healing.”

I was really lucky, in that I had a healthcare provider who believed in my body. When I got scared and overwhelmed with all the hospital visits, the procedures, and the labels applied to my body and my health, I could turn to my Chinese medicine practitioner. She told me that in spite of all the frightening diagnoses and invasive procedures, my body was resilient. Amazing, in fact. And it could get me through anything.

Since that time, I’ve devoted my life to figuring out what healing really looks like, outside the most recent story of how we do medicine. In my work as an acupuncturist, qigong therapist, health coach, and healer who’s helped hundreds of patients feel better and change the story of their health, I help people just like you return to their very best version of health.

My work is multi-faceted (just like you!) which means I have to be well-trained in all kinds of modalities. My training is ever-ongoing, but so far, I’ve got the following qualifications:


Studied in Greece, China and Austria to complete an international certification in Hun Yuan Qi Therapy and Zhineng Qigong teacher with Master Yuantong Liu.

Masters in Acupuncture degree from the Maryland University of Integrative Health (formerly the Tai Sophia Institute) in Laurel, Maryland.

Nationally board-certified (NCCAOM) acupuncturist.
Licensed Acupuncturist in Washington, DC, USA.
Mentorship with Jade Duggan, Humaning Well
Student of the Orphan School of Wisdom with Stephen Jenkinson
Former adjunct teacher at the Maryland University of Integrative Health.
MBA in Sustainable Business from Presidio Graduate School, formerly Pinchot University in Seattle, WA.
Has “rolled with” several scary, physical and emotional ills that allow me to have the biggest heart possible to hold you in a place non-judgement and love.

I’d love to help you feel better. Get in touch to book a local or distance appointment.

I would like to acknowledge that we are on the traditional land of the Nacotchtank and Piscataway peoples, past and present, and honor with gratitude the land itself and the people who have stewarded it throughout the generations.