Marva Makle

Health Coach

Growing up, the concept of working hard to achieve a goal was ingrained. I truly believed that pushing through, persevering, “toughing it out” was not only admirable, but the only way to truly get everything done and move ahead in life. So I pushed. I pushed hard. I had everything under control. And I was exhausted. I struggled with health issues such as sugar addiction, gastro-intestinal distress, hypothyroidism, and anemia. Despite everything I was doing to keep on top of my health, I finally hit THE wall. After two years of recovery, I knew that if I wanted to feel great mentally, physically & emotionally, I needed to drastically change my lifestyle. So I educated myself and learned about the tremendous healing power of food and slowing down. I am a Health Coach and Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant for the burnt-out, worn-out woman. In 2010, I started my health coaching practice to help other highly-motivated, professional women who struggle with chronic stress, low energy, and poor dietary habits to stop running themselves into the ground, and begin to achieve with greater energy, health, and joy.