Marissa Ciorciari

Integrative / Functional Nutritionist

Just like the snowflake, I believe no two people are exactly the same. I run my practice with that thought in mind: an approach to healthcare must be personalized. Our bodies are a beautiful network of systems in constant communication with one another. In order to understand this interconnectedness, I believe foundationally that finding balance is individually based on one’s unique biochemistry and how food, our environment, lifestyle, genetics and other life aspects affect our health. I value your uniqueness in this world, and therefore partner with you in your journey to explore how past history, relationships, medications and supplements, stress, environment, genetics, and lifestyle contribute to your biggest health struggles. In our work together we will instill a combination of therapeutic protocols and nourishing, wholesome foods, supplements, advanced lab testing, and other mind-body techniques to uncover and correct imbalances so you heal from within.