Maria Vergara

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique

Maria Vergara has a Bachelor degree in Accounting from Ohio University and a Master of Science in Accounting from the University of Cincinnati. She worked as an Accountant for a Toyota’s subsidiary company for six years. Since childhood, Maria was clairaudient and clairvoyant. Even as a child, she was able to see beyond the veil and receive information to save people lives. Energy healing was natural to her, even if she did not know how to name it. After years of being misunderstood, Maria shut her gifts down, and focused solely on academics and business. In 2012, Maria’s gifts came back stronger than ever! Through the help of her higher-self, angels, archangels, ascended masters, and any other consciousness (weather it was a rock or an ET, or anything in between) that wanted to teach her. She became a deep trans-channeler. Later, she started giving angel readings, and working with ho’oponopono, akashic records, reiki, Barbara Brennan’s energy work, St. Germain purple flame, essential oils, crystals, QHHT (quantum healing hypnosis technique) and Marconics. All these tools led her to discover and remember who she is, to be the I AM in physical form, and be The Forever Being she is.