Lori Koors

Health Coach

After years of coaching clients, I am confident that diets do not work for long-term weight loss, especially if you are an emotional eater.  The “Diet Mentality” sets us up for failure because it fosters a temporary way of life that is not sustainable (again, especially for the emotional eater).  Typically, once people lose their goal weight, they slowly go back to eating and living as they did before, often gaining more weight than they lost . . .  and the cycle repeats.  Diets do not take into account the individual person, their genetics, environment, stressors, habits, preferences, and why they eat emotionally.

If you are tired of cookie-cutter solutions and want to get off of the weight loss/weight gain roller coaster, ask me about the Seeds of Change “Non-Diet Approach Coaching” that takes all of the above elements into account, leading to weight loss you can maintain for a lifetime!