Liz Marie

Health Coach

I grew up in Chantilly, Virginia and currently reside in Arlington, Virginia, just a couple miles outside of Washington, D.C. In 2013, I graduated from The College of William & Mary (Williamsburg, Virginia) with a B.S. in Psychology and in 2015, I graduated from George Mason University (Fairfax, Virginia) with an M.S. in Educational Psychology. I swam competitively for 14 years, through college, and I still coach young swimmers part time. In my years following college, I struggled with my body image and my relationship with food and found healing through intuitive eating counseling and a passion for the Health At Every Size movement. I became a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor in 2019 to help other individuals overcome the same challenges I was facing related to their relationship with food and their body image. Aside from my passions related to swimming, coaching, and the anti-diet movement, I love dogs, singing, and the Washington Nationals.