She who kept her heart open…Lisa Irgens.
We are currently living in the most extraordinary and evolutionary time of human history. This is our time to answer our souls call by deeply connecting to our purpose and fearlessly moving forward as living expressions of Spirit in action. It’s time to love deeply.
Lisa is an open-minded, lover and dancer with life. She isn’t one to put labels on herself or others. But, if you had to ask who she is, the answers are: Soulful Creatrix of the New, Soul Embodiment Guide, Medicine Woman, Master Level Shamanic Breathwork ® Practitioner, Ordained Shamanic Minister, Energy Worker, Intuitive, Cacao Spirit Guide, Daughter, Mother, Sister, and Nature and Animal Lover.
The most important thing to know is that her life’s work is centered around building connections within and without, above and below as she cultivates trusting Love, life and her soul – and she comes to it with an open heart.
Her journey has been one of moving from fear to love, being her own worst enemy to her own best friend and learning to listen to and trust herself. Realizing that her soul was her innate animator and guide change how she viewed life and self. She grew up with the concept of soul being the part of her that lives in eternal bliss if sacrifice in this lifetime. She now knows that the soul/Self is a vital part of being alive! When her perspective expanded to include having a soul that came here for a reason and wants to learn, express, live, feel, create, and love… her life began to change. It is for that reason that she is passionate about guiding others to go within and find the transformation that one needs in order to live with heart, soul, power and passion from their inner radiant wholeness!!!