Linda Karl

Health Coach

A global Yoga teacher and long-time activist, I’ve been called a maverick, an innovator, and a facilitator of deep holistic healing. Seeking a paradigm shift in the local Yoga scene I take students beyond asana into the deeper dimensions of traditional Yoga. I teach “mindful yoga“, a vehicle for transformation. I believe authentic Yoga is not only what you do on the mat but is a lifestyle.

The words of my teachers in India are the keystone of my teaching: teach to people where they are and how they are and whatever happens, happens. I believe in the therapeutic benefits of Yoga+breathwork+meditation properly applied to the individual. I am a lineage holder for the teachings of TKV Desikachar and his father Sri T Krishnamacharya — Yoga for everyone, Yoga for every BODY.

As a Certified Yoga Therapist (International Association of Yoga Therapists), a Yoga Alliance registered E-RYT 500 teacher and Continuing Education Provider, I teach an intuitive, breath-based, and eclectic practice.