For Linda, Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture arrived at the later stages of a very long-term interest in possibilities and techniques to stimulate innate healing. Her training begun with certifications in Western herbology in the early 90’s, homeopathy, Jin Shin Do, Reiki and electroacupuncture in the late 90’s and orthopedic bodywork in 2001; and then led to medical qi gong in 2006 and acupuncture in 2010. Through the years, Linda has woven a tapestry of techniques, both medical and energetic, that reflect her peripatetic nature and insatiable curiosity about how and why things work. She pursues resolution of her patient’s issues after listening to their priorities and sifting through her toolbox for the appropriate antidote, stimulus or crutch.
Linda Carrington
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Our Address
11077 Biscayne Blvd., Suite 100, Miami, FL 33161
25.8777896, -80.1677578