Leanne Overlander

Primal Health Coach

Hi, my name is Leanne Overlander. I am a mother of 4 wonderful children ranging from 11-21 years old. I have an amazing husband, Donald, whom I have been married to for 22 years. I have been a stay at home mom for most of my married life, home schooling our 4 kids. Before that I attended the University of Minnesota and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Biology. Hi, my name is Leanne Overlander. I am a mother of 4 wonderful children ranging from 11-21 years old. I have an amazing husband, Donald, whom I have been married to for 22 years. I have been a stay at home mom for most of my married life, home schooling our 4 kids. Before that I attended the University of Minnesota and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Biology. img_26741 Seven years ago, I went off gluten in an experiment to see if I would feel better eliminating it from my diet. I felt so much better, I have never gone back. Since then I have had genetic testing which determined that I had HDL – DQ2 gene, which is related to Celiac Disease. After, I went gluten free, I struggled with finding a good bread replacement. As a stay at home mom, I relied on sandwiches for lunches. I was NOT very happy with all the recipes I found on the internet and had decided to just not eat bread anymore. That did not last long and I took my knowledge of chemistry, baking and some recipes from the internet and started working on my own bread recipe. After many failed attempts, I finally came up with an almond bread recipe that looked, tasted, and functioned like normal bread. I cried tears of joy that daybread-mk-i-full-150×150 I like to help people and upon discovering this recipe, I knew I had to share it with others who were going through the same struggles I was going through. My husband and I decided to sell our breads at the local Farmer’s Market. We did this for 3 years and expanded out offerings to 2 other kinds of breads we had developed and any kind of treat you could find in a bakery we could make with our gluten-free all-purpose flour formulation. Many said we should commercialize our products and we even spent 2 years working on that, but we discovered that is not where our true passion was and we knew if it wasn’t there in our hearts, making it work would be very hard. Still determined to help others, I searched my heart for how I could do this. I love to learn and I decided to take that into the blogging world and help others by making the information easier to find and congregated in one place. This is a recent change, less than 6 months, and it is slow going as I have a lot to learn, but I am determined to make it work. There are so many out there who need this help, and I am learning it for myself, why not share. I also decided at the beginning of the summer to produce our first gluten free cookbook. This also has a lot of learning to go with it. I have the goal of it being published by May of 2016.