Kurt Stradtman

Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner

My name is Kurt Stradtman and I’m the founder of Stradtman Family Wellness. I entered the natural health arena over seven years ago wanting to help people get and stay well. I moved to Seattle in 2014 to pursue a career in health coaching, but quickly realized I wanted to do more than just coaching and I wanted to dive deeper into each client which became possible with in-depth lab testing. But how did I get here? I was tired all the time. I was bloating and had stomach trouble since I was a kid. I was so sick and tired of having to scout out bathrooms anytime I was in public preparing for a “bathroom emergency”. My hair was thinning, my blood sugar was on a roller coaster and I had no idea why I wasn’t losing weight. I was frustrated. I felt like the modern healthcare system was failing me. I was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired! Does this sound like you? If so, trust me, I get what you’re going through. It wasn’t until I met my first naturopath who taught me to look beyond the symptoms and find the root cause. The traditional medical model always taught me to address the symptoms. If you have a headache, you take something for the headache, if you have thyroid issues, you take medicine to treat the thyroid. This was when I learned the symptoms aren’t the problem, but a result of the problem. Are you ready to feel like your old self again? In just a couple of months, you can say goodbye to things like bloating, constipation, brain fog, joint pain, skin problems, leaky gut, diarrhea, hot flashes, etc. Give me a few months and this could be you!