Katrina Rogers

Movement Specialist

Growing Up Born pigeon-toed, flat-footed, and knocked-kneed, Katrina has been plagued with knee pain, hip, and lower back pain for 25+ years. She was led to believe that there was nothing she could do to change this. Interestingly enough, her mom would constantly tell her to straighten her feet when walking and in time they turned in less. Being an athlete and lifelong runner, Katrina pushed her body, suffered injuries, and experienced severe joint stiffness and pain. Most medical professionals simply treated the symptoms, leaving her more convinced that her only solution would be surgery unless she stopped altogether. Ironically, the pain and stiffness got worse with less activity, more sitting and she gained over 30 pounds. Early Career Her life drastically changed when she left corporate life in 2012. In addition to being a track and field coach, she became a certified personal trainer and began studying the dances of the African diaspora. Her experience and education led her to study medical exercise and become a certified performance therapist. Most importantly, she began to more intensely study corrective exercise. Her experience as an athlete, dancer, and instructor along with being a certified fitness professional allows her to best serve her clients to achieve an improved posture and increased movement and physical activity. Move With Ease Owner and Trainer Today, Katrina is the owner of Move With Ease, a body movement practice, located north of the Cherry Creek neighborhood in Denver, CO. She aims to grow MWE and continues to facilitate and reconnect people to natural human movement patterns and change how they engage with being fit and well. She strongly believes in empowering individuals with information and solutions to make healthier choices to live their most active life outside a gym setting.