Katherine Chambers

National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach

For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to work in HealthCare and serve my community. I graduated from the Butler University Physician Assistant program in 2014 and have been working in clinical medicine, mostly in the Emergency Department and Urgent Care, ever since. Over the years, I watched so many of my patients struggling with their health. They often seemed to be at their wits end, feeling like the medicine given them was only helping so much and that they could be doing more for their own health. They wanted to get better but didn’t know how or have the support to make the lifestyle adjustments to improve their health. This is where my passion for health coaching first began. I saw a need in my community and a way I could fill it. I love modern medicine and fully believe in it, but saw that we are often failing our patients when it comes to education and support on how things like nutrition and exercise can improve their diseases. I saw that I could support my community through health coaching to help individuals improve their health in ways outside of medications and surgery. I noticed that so many people have the desire to implement such lifestyle changes to improve their health and wellness but lack the support, knowledge and guidance to do so. This drove me to start Chambers Health Coaching as a way to help others with their health outside of my traditional role as a Physician Assistant. My passion for Health Coaching deepened as I set out to optimize my own health as my husband and I decided to try to get pregnant. As I began preparing my body and mind for eventual pregnancy, I needed to know what was most important in regards to nutrition, environmental/toxin exposures, stress management, exercises and more. I learned so much and in the process developed a passion to help others learn and understand this information as well. I received my Pregnancy Health Coaching Certification through Dr. Sears Wellness Institute to better enable myself to help other women who are trying to or already are pregnant. The pregnancy journey brings along so many changes for a woman, and I want to be there as a Health Coach to help other women be their healthiest and most prepared for their pregnancy experience. I developed Chambers Health Coaching as a way to further serve my community through Health Coaching services. I believe everyone has the innate power to make the health and wellness changes they desire, but might need the support, motivation and guidance from a Health Coach to obtain those goals. I am here to be that support and provide you with the guidance and resources you might need. Let’s work together!!