Kaitlyn Rose Holsapple

Somatic Yoga Therapist

Kaitlyn (Kaity) Rose Holsapple is an intuitive healer who offers classes, workshops, retreats, trainings, and Yoga Therapy for individuals suffering from anxiety, PTSD, and depression. Kaity is a trauma-informed yoga therapist with a specialty in helping individuals who have experienced sexual trauma, emotional trauma, and mental health imbalances. Certified yoga therapist.

I’m Kaity! I’m grateful we’ve found one another. It’s my belief that you’ve landed on this webpage for a reason. Welcome. I offer intuitive trainings, retreats, classes, and healing work for bright, radiant humans who are ready to stop shrinking away from their sovereign power and potential due to unintegrated trauma and undigested emotional experiences. I allow your body to guide our work, because your wise, intelligent body has all it needs for healing within it. My job is to simply support you embodying and reclaiming your natural state of integration and health. We call this inherent health Swasta in the yoga lineage, which directly means: “to be rooted in your own Self.” When you embody the energy of Self, healing can come much more naturally and easily. You are a sovereign, all-powerful being. When we reawaken this inner knowing, your healing naturally comes into place. I look forward to supporting you in this process of reclamation.